狀態 專任師資
姓名 劉師源
職稱 助理教授
分機 6477
學歷 國立臺灣科技大學 建築博士
專長 室內環控系統整合、綠能環境規劃設計、能源系統動態模擬分析
職務 課程委員會、系教評委員會
教師歷程檔案 https://research.asia.edu.tw/TchEportfolio/index_1/106100067
教師在校時程表 下載PDF
年度 論文名稱
2023 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)*, Research on the Evaluation System of Interior Design Curriculum in Response to Industrial Circles Expectations of Technology Capabilities, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol.7 no.1 pp.1084-1092, 2023
2021 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、吳保寬(Wu, Pao-Kuan), Analysis of the Urban Renewal Strategies with Fuzzy Delphi Approach, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
2021 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), Research on the Evaluation System of Professional Competence Technology for Interior Design Talent Based on Delphi Technique, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol.1 pp.475-478, 2021
2019 Chen, Ming-Yuan、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, Urban Renewal Strategies for Application of the Agreement Co-Construction Approach, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol.310 no.022059 pp.1-8, 2019
2019 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、Lee, Rong-Sheng, Analysis of the dilemmas of solar energy application for Taiwan building with Fuzzy AHP approach, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol.237 no.4 pp.1-8, 2019
2019 吳保寬(Wu, Pao-Kuan)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, The Application of Artificial Neural Networks to Facilitate the Architectural Design Process, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol.1069 pp.79-89, 2019
2018 Lee, Rong-Sheng、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, The sustainability system design for urban Planning, DEStech Transactions on Computer Science and Engineering, vol.17 no.3 pp.513-517, 2018
2016 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、何友鋒(Ho, Yu-Feng), Wind energy applications for Taiwan buildings: What are the challenges and strategies for small wind energy systems exploitation?, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.59 pp.39-55, 2016
2014 Chou, K-C.、Shih, S-G.、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, Research of the Main Building Characteristics for Rotating Buildings, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.638–640 pp.1660-1665, 2014
2014 Chen, M-Y.、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、彭雲宏(Perng, Yeng-Horng), Probe into the Development and Strategies of Implementation for Intelligent Buildings in Taiwan, Applied Mechanics and Materials, vol.584–586 pp.1829-1834, 2014
2014 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、彭雲宏(Perng, Yeng-Horng)、何友鋒(Ho, Yu-Feng), The challenges and strategies of diffusion for solar energy application on Taiwan buildings, Advanced Materials Research, vol.860-863 pp.163-167, 2014
2014 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*、彭雲宏(Perng, Yeng-Horng)、何友鋒(Ho, Yu-Feng), The effect of renewable energy application on Taiwan buildings: What are the challenges and strategies for solar energy exploitation?, RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, vol.28 pp.92-106, 2014
2010 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、Wang, T-J.(Wang, T-J.)*, Shaping and exploiting technological opportunities:The case of technology in Taiwan, RENEWABLE ENERGY, vol.35 pp.360-367, 2010
2008 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, Exploring and developing opportunities for technological innovation: The case of renewable energy technology in Taiwan, 工程:中國工程師學會會刊, vol.81 no.4 pp.136-150, 2008
2008 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)*, Exploring the challenges and resistance of renewable energy applications in Taiwan, 台灣經濟研究月刊, vol.31 no.4 pp.102-114, 2008
年度 書名
2023 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), 咱佇巷仔內_111年度雲林縣社造點成果專輯, 雲林縣政府, Apr. 2023
發表日期 論文名稱
2023.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), A Study of Community Integration Strategies in the Promotional Process of Local Revitalization , A Case Study of Lunbei Township, Yunlin County - 2023 International Design Conference on Integrated Interdisciplinary Innovation, Mar. 2023, Yunlin
2022.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Revitalization Relationship of Youth Returning to Their Hometown for Sharing Practice─Take STRONG LOVE in Yunlin County, Taiwan as an Example─ , 16 th International Symposium of Asian Design Culture Society, Oct. 2022, Japan
2022.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Study on the Community Relation of Local Revitalization Practice Process , Take Yunlin County as an Example - 2022 International Conference on Interdisciplinary Innovation Design, Mar. 2022, Taiwan/Yunlin
2021.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Study on the Revitalization Model of Cooperation between Enterprises and Localities, Take Yunlin County, Taiwan as an Example - 15th International Symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTURE SOCIETY(優秀論文獎), Oct. 2021, Japan/Taiwan
2020.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), The Modes of Managing Taiwanese Local Rejuvenation ─ A Case Study on Yunlin County's Mailiao Township , 14th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTURE SOCIETY(優秀論文獎), Oct. 2020, Japan/Taiwan
2019.06 施勝誠(Shih, Sheng-Cheng)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 初探設計, 構築應用於數位藝術設計思考教學法研究 - 2019第12屆數位媒體設計學術研討會, Jun. 2019, 臺中
2019.06 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、施勝誠(Shih, Sheng-Cheng), 都市更新應用協議合建方式之挑戰與策略 , 2019第12屆數位媒體設計學術研討會, Jun. 2019, 臺中
2015.10 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、何友鋒(Ho, Y. F.)、王小璘(Wang, H. L.)、彭雲宏(Perng, Y. H.), 系統動態模型模擬太陽能系統於臺灣建築應用擴散策略之研究(優秀論文獎) , 臺灣建築學會第二十七屆建築研究成果發表會論文集, Oct. 2015, Taiwan
2014.07 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、Ho, Yu-Feng, Assessment of the Challenges and Strategies for Small Wind Energy System Application in Taiwan , 2014 International Conference on Green Energy Technology and Management, Jul. 2014, Taiwan
2014.06 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、Ho, Yu-Feng, The Challenges and Development Strategies for Wind Energy System Application In Taiwan , 2014 Academy Conference on Clean Energy and Green Materials(2014 ACCEGM), Jun. 2014, Taiwan
2013.10 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、何友鋒(Ho, Y. F.)、彭雲宏(Perng, Yeng-Horng), 評估太陽能源應用於臺灣建築之挑戰與策略研析(優秀論文獎) , 臺灣建築學會第二十五屆建築研究成果發表會論文集, Oct. 2013, Taiwan
2008.09 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Shaping and Exploiting Technological Opportunities_The case of Renewable Energy Technology , XXIII UIA World Congress Torino 2008 / Eco–Architectur, Sep. 2008, Portugal
計畫名稱 參與人 計畫期間
112年度詔安客家文化館委託經營管理計畫 (11133076) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2023.05 ~ 2024.04
112年度雲林縣社區營造及村落文化發展計畫-雲林縣社區營造中心 (11133078) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2023.04 ~ 2024.04
彰化埔鹽魅力農店-花現永樂甘仔店設計委託服務案 (11133026) 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2022.10 ~ 2022.12
111年度雲林縣社區營造及村落文化發展計畫-雲林縣社區營造中心 (11033088) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2022.05 ~ 2023.04
110年度雲林縣斗南鎮社區營造輔導計畫 (110016) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2021.04 ~ 2021.12
雲林縣褒忠鄉109年鄉政發展規劃與諮詢輔導計畫 (10933020) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2020.09 ~ 2020.12
獎項名稱 頒獎單位
2023 International Design Awards(IDA) Farmani Group
2023 International Design Awards-(IDA)美國國際設計獎 Farmani Group
2023 International Design Awards(IDA)-美國國際設計獎 Farmani Group
2023 International Design Awards(IDA)美國國際設計獎 Farmani Group
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Educational Buildings categ) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Hospitality Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Houses Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Residential Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Residential Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)-(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)-(Commercial Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Commercial Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Commercial Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)-(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Residential Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Commercial Space Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Commercial Interior category) AMP
2023 Architecture Master Prize(Commercial Interior category) AMP
2023 HKCDA (Contemporary Design Awards) HKAD
2022 IDA(International Design Awards)美國國際設計獎 Farmani Group
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)-(Residential Interior category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Residential Interior category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Residential Interior category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Residential Interior category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)-(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Commercial Interior category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)-(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Conceptual Architecture category) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Public Spaces) AMP
2022 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Other Interior Design) AMP
2022 Britain International Creative Competition-BICC Overseas Artists Association,UK
2022 全國大專校院暨高中職永續發展創意創客競賽 發明中心
2022 中亞聯大U21智慧商品創意設計發明競賽 本校
2021 第十屆特力家居盃全國設計大賽 特力家居
2021 LICC 英國倫敦國際創意競賽-(London International Creative Competition)- Association of London International Creative Competition
2021 LICC 英國倫敦國際創意競賽-(London International Creative Competition) Association of London International Creative Competition
2021 LICC 英國倫敦國際創意競賽(London International Creative Competition) Association of London International Creative Competition
2021 第十屆特力家居盃全國設計大賽-室內設計 特力家居
2021 IDA 美國國際設計獎-(International Design Awards)-- Farmani Group
2021 IDA 美國國際設計獎-(International Design Awards)- Farmani Group
2021 IDA 美國國際設計獎-(International Design Awards) Farmani Group
2021 IDA 美國國際設計獎(International Design Awards) Farmani Group
2021 Golden Lotus Cup International Design Competition 澳門國際設計聯合會
2021 The 7th Huacan Awards – International Emerging Designer Competition 中國高等教育學會
2021 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)-(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize (美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Commercial Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize-(美國建築大師獎)(Categories of residential and commercial mixed space design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize (美國建築大師獎)(Categories of residential and commercial mixed space design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of residential and commercial mixed space design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize (美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Accommodation Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Accommodation Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize (美國建築大師獎)(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
2021 Architecture Master Prize(Categories of Residential Space Design) AMP
DNA Paris Design Awards 2021 (DNA法國巴黎設計獎) DNA Paris Design
DNA Paris Design Awards 2021 (法國DNA巴黎設計獎) DNA Paris Design
DNA Paris Design Awards 2021 (法國巴黎設計獎) DNA Paris Design
2021 第九屆特力家居盃設計大賽_傢俱設計類 特力家居
2021 第九屆特力家居盃設計大賽_傢俱設計 特力家居
2021 第九屆特力家居盃設計大賽_室內設計 特力家居
2021 London International Creative Competition (LICC) Association Of London International Creative Competition
2021 London International Creative Competition (LICC;英國倫敦國際創意競賽) Association Of London International Creative Competition
2020 International Creative Art Design Awards 北方創新藝術研究中心
2020 Taiwan Good Design Award (全球華人金創獎) NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF INTERIOR DESIGN
Architecture Master Prize 2020
Architecture Master Prize 2020 (美國建築大師獎) AMP
2020 中亞聯大 AI 人工智慧創意發明競賽_入選獎 中國醫藥大學及亞洲大學
2020 中亞聯大AI人工智慧創意發明競賽_入選獎 中國醫藥大學及亞洲大學
2020中亞聯大AI人工智慧創意發明競賽_入選獎 中國醫藥大學及亞洲大學
2020中亞聯大AI人工智慧創意發明競賽 中國醫藥大學及亞洲大學
2020 第八屆特立家居盃 B&Q 全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 特力家居
2020 第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 特力家居
2020第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 特力家居
2020 DNA Paris Design Awards (DNA 法國巴黎設計獎) DNA Paris Design
2020 第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 - 傢俱設計類 特力家居
2020第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 - 傢俱設計類 特力家居
2020 第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 - 室內設計類 特力家居
2020第八屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計暨傢俱設計競賽 - 室內設計類 特力家居
108 年度第二屆台灣智慧化生活提案競賽 內政部建築研究所
108年度第二屆台灣智慧化生活提案競賽 內政部建築研究所
2019「自行車及周邊產品設計競賽」 巨大機械工業
2019第七屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計競賽_傢俱設計類 特立集團 / 中欣實業
2019第七屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計競賽_室內設計類 特立集團 / 中欣實業
2019第七屆特立家居盃B&Q全國室內設計競賽 特立集團 / 中欣實業
2018 第八屆ADA亞洲設計獎 (Asia Design Award) 幸福空間、21世紀室內設計與建築協會
2018 第八屆ADA亞洲設計獎(Asia Design Award) 21世紀室內設計與建築協會
2018第八屆ADA亞洲設計獎(Asia Design Award) 21世紀室內設計與建築協會
2017 第六屆全國室內 / 空間聯合畢業設計 - 優等 TSID 臺灣室內空間設計學會
2015 建築研究成果發表 - 優秀論文獎 臺灣建築學會
2013 建築研究成果發表 - 優秀論文獎 臺灣建築學會
課程類別 課程代碼 課程名稱 年度
研究所碩士班 DE200005A 室內設計專論 113
研究所碩士班 DE200005A 室內設計專論 113
大學日間部 DEU00034A 物理環境 113
大學日間部 DEU00062B 學輔時間(四) 113
大學日間部 DEU00062H 學輔時間(四) 113
大學日間部 DEU00068A 植栽綠化與設計 113
大學日間部 DEU00131A 商業空間施工圖 113
大學日間部 DEU00136A 商業空間計畫 113
大學日間部 DEU00154A 商業室內設計(二) 113
大學日間部 DEU00154B 商業室內設計(二) 113
年分 計畫名稱 指導教授 學生姓名
109 高等教育室內設計課程因應業界期望能力之研究 劉師源 陳善漪
108 室內設計人才所需專業能力培育之研究 劉師源 王鈺瓛