
類別 標題 張貼日期
活動 x news 室設系師生到中歆廚具、一宇磁磚企業參訪,連結產業實務
Activity x Hot news Asia University Department of Interior Design Special Lecture "Contemporary Building Construction examining Tadao Ando’s concrete"   by Daniel Joseph Whittake
活動 x news 亞洲大學室內設計系Special Lecture- Contemporary Building Construction: examining Tadao Ando’s concrete」by Daniel Joseph Whittake
活動 x news 亞大室設系師生前往湖南大學設計藝術學院進行設計交流
活動 x news 亞洲大學室內設計學系 教師公開授課/教學觀摩 說課表
Activity x Hot news Asia University Department of Interior Design Hosts "Sustainable Development Requirements in Interior Design Regulations: Comprehensive Guidance from Design to Construction" Semina
活動 x news 亞洲大學室內設計學系舉辦「室內裝修法規中的永續發展要求:從設計到施工的全方位指導」專題講座
活動 x news 亞洲大學室內設計學系學生於國際研討會大放異彩,展現卓越學術成果
Activity x Hot news 10/18 The head of the Department of Interior Design was invited to give a speech on the topic of "Design thinking solutions to enhance young people's creative strengths and self-esteem
活動 x news 10/18室內設計學系主任以「設計思考方案提升青少年創意優勢能力和自尊」為題,受邀發表演講