Curriculum Integration into Community Service Achievement Exhibition-Department of Interior Design, Asia University

  • 2022-02-17
The course of design sketching was integrated into WuFeng JiuZheng Community, completing the community paddy field culture picture album, implementing local care, and the results are being exhibited in the Asian University Library.

The first-year "design sketch" course of the Department of Interior Design of Asia University, combined with service learning, leding by teacher Lin Chia-hui to serve in the JiuZheng community of WuFeng. Students interacted with residents to observe and understand the culture related to the drainage road of paddy fields. With the theme of paddy field culture, they drew "designing sketch" works of paddy field culture, and helped the community to make albums so that the public could understand the importance of symbiotic plants in paddy fields and promote the spirit of friendly land.

In WuFeng District, you can see the water inlets and sluice gates left by "Aguawu County" during the Japanese occupation,said by Mr Lin. Entering the innermost, there is a waterwheel known as the largest in Southeast Asia. Through a waterwheel with a diameter of about 9.5 meters, water is led to a height of 9.5 meters to irrigate the farmland in WuFeng District. The students visited the current situation of paddy fields in the community and completed the paddy field culture picture book using the painting skills learned in the "Design Sketch" course. The course achievement exhibition and the community paddy field culture picture album are displayed in the Asian University Library. On the day of the exhibition, Lin Xiu-Ru, chairman of the JiuZheng community development association, and Su Mei-Ling, secretary-general, came to visit, affirming and encouraging students. The exhibition will last until January 11, and teachers and students of Asia University are welcome to visit.

Li Yuan-Rong, Dean of the School of Design, pointed out that the curriculum is integrated into service-learning, and students can help the community find and solve problems while practicing local care and social responsibility.

Jian Yan-Lun, a student from the Department of Interior Design, said that through this service study with the community, he had a better understanding of the characteristics of the community, and the revitalization and regeneration of the old community were unforgettable for him.

Lin Dai-Ying, a student from the Department of Interior Design, said that this study made him appreciate the beauty of the community more carefully during the painting process. Every time he composes and paints, he wants to paint the most beautiful community scenery.

Li Chen pointed out that when he learned that he was going to serve in the community, he did not understand the teacher's intention. He learned about the cultural and historical background of the local paddy fields on the spot, used his mobile phone to take pictures and compose pictures, and came back to draw sketches so that he could draw the feeling of being there. He loves this way of giving back to the community, the Orientation Course.

Caption 1: The first-year "Design Sketch" course of the Department of Interior Design, which implements community care and draws the results of "Paddy Field Culture", is currently on display at the Asian University Library.