Implementation points for Interior Design Graduation

  • 2018-09-13

Key points of graduation production in the interior design department of Asia University

 The 4th meeting of the 2nd semester of the 105th school year, May 25, 106


One:In order to ensure the graduates' interior design creation practical ability and improve the quality of students' graduation production, special points are set.

Two:According to the "Key Points for the Examination of Basic Skills of Graduates in the Department of Interior Design, Asian University", all students in this department must complete one of the designated off-campus graduation results exhibitions and complete the graduation production.

Three:This section is intended for students who are enrolled in the 102 academic year (inclusive).

Four:Graduate design for interior design (1) Those who fail to pass the program must be re-examined in the next year and do not participate in the exhibition of the year of failing. The cost of the exhibition will not be refunded and will be transferred to the next year's committee for implementation.

Five:Graduate design of interior design (2) Those who fail the final exam, the total score of the graduation production will be settled after the graduatino unfolds. Therefore, the cost of the exhibition will not be refunded. The re-repair will not participate in the exhibition every other year, and there is no need to rebuild the graduation production of Sishang. Appointed a teacher in the department, after passing the guidance of the project, obtained the credits for the graduation of the course.

Six:This point was announced after the passage of the meeting, and the same was true.