Status Full-Time Faculty
Job title Assistant Professor
Extension 6476
Education Ph.D, Graduate School of Design, National Yunlin University of Science & Technology, Taiwan
Expertise Architectural Space Design, Display Design, Community Design Research, Cultural and Creative Design, Design Culture.
Position Curriculum Committee
Office Hour Download PDF
Year Paper Title
2023 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)*, Research on the Evaluation System of Interior Design Curriculum in Response to Industrial Circles Expectations of Technology Capabilities, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, vol.7 no.1 pp.1084-1092, 2023
2022 劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), Research on the Evaluation System of Professional Competence Technology for Interior Design Talent Based on Delphi Technique, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science., IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2022
2019 黃世輝(Shyh-Huei HWANG)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), ANALYSIS OF RURAL COMMUNITY DESIGN OPERATIONS THROUGH SOCIAL NETWORKS-A Case Study of Yunlin County in Taiwan, Journal of the Science of Design, vol.3 no.1 pp.1-11-1-20, 2019
2015 黃世輝、王志華, 農村再生計畫執行的問題與效益分析, 科技學刊, vol.24 no.1 pp.35-49, 2015
Year Book Title
2024 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 咱佇巷仔內_112年度雲林縣社造點成果專輯, 雲林縣政府, Apr. 2024
2023 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 咱佇巷仔內_111年度雲林縣社造點成果專輯, 雲林縣政府, Apr. 2023
2019 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、黃世輝, 鄉村技藝文化與現代教育論文選刊, 鄉村小區的內化與設計發展之研究-以雲林縣古坑鄉華南社區為例, 海峽文藝出版社, Jan. 2019
Date of Publication Paper Title
2024.09 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 從鄉鎮、企業與青年網絡關係分析大學與地方政府的角色 , 18th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Sep. 2024, 日本/神戶/神戶藝術工科大學
2024.09 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 從服務設計的角度剖析雲林縣社造中心對於社造推動的模式之研究 , 18th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Sep. 2024, 日本/神戶/神戶藝術工科大學
2024.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、李昀叡(LI YUN-JUI)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、林宣吟(LIN,HSUAN-YIN), Benefit Evaluation of Regional Revitalization Practices in response to Youth Returning Home in Taikukeng of Yunlin County , 2024跨域創新設計整合國際研討會, Mar. 2024, 台灣/雲林縣/斗六市
2024.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、簡言倫(Chien,yen-lun), A Study on the Indicators of Benefit Evaluation of the Practice and Operation Process of Social Construction in Yunlin County , 2024跨域創新設計整合國際研討會, Mar. 2024, 台灣/雲林/斗六市
2023.10 蔡惠婷(Tsai,Huei-Ting)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), A study on the inheritance of bamboo craftsmanship and translation of the of creation process , 17th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIET, Oct. 2023, 台灣/台中市/台中教育大學
2023.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、林岱穎(Lin, Dai-Ying), Research on Integrated Practice Model for Regional Revitalization Youth League in Yunlin County , 17th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIET, Oct. 2023, 台灣/台中市/台中教育大學
2023.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、簡言倫(Chien,yen-lun), Research on Yunlin County Individual, based Social Construction Proposal and Practical Implementation Factors - 17th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIET, Oct. 2023, 台灣/台中市/台中教育大學
2023.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 社造實踐過程中之社群經濟模式研究, 以雲林縣為例 - 2023跨域創新國際設計研討會, Mar. 2023, 台灣/雲林縣/斗六市
2023.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 地方創生推動過程之社群整合策略研究, 以雲林縣崙背鄉為例 - 2023跨域創新國際設計研討會, Mar. 2023, 台灣/雲林縣/斗六市
2022.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 社區營造的永續發展與網絡關係之研究:以雲林縣社造操作為例 , 2022 FAPCE亞太社造論壇暨學術研討會, Oct. 2022, 台灣/台北
2022.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Research on the emotional value of community space under local dependency─ Take Lunbei Township, Yunlin County, Taiwan as an example , 16th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2022, 台灣/高雄市/高師大
2022.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), Revitalization Relationship of Youth Returning to Their Hometown for Sharing Practice─Take STRONG LOVE in Yunlin County, Taiwan as an Example , 16th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2022, 台灣/高雄市/高師大
2022.03 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), 地方創生實踐過程之關係網絡研究 , 以雲林縣為例 - 2022跨域創新國際設計研討會, Mar. 2022, 台灣/雲林縣/斗六市
2021.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王姿懿(Wang, Tzu-Yi), Study on Revitalization Opportunities and Acts of Youths Returning to Hometowns for Farming ─ Take Pingyuan Benpou in Shetou Township, Changhua County as an Example ─ , 15th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2021, 大陸
2021.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、王姿懿(Wang, Tzu-Yi), HistoA Study on the Revitalization Model of Cooperation between Enterprises and Localities ─ Take Yunlin County, Taiwan as an Example ─ , 15th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2021, 大陸
2020.11 林佳慧(Lin Chia Hui)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), 室內設計系設計類課程以素養導向與問題導向學習(PBL)之課程設計 , 第八屆師資培育國際學術研討會, Nov. 2020, 國立屏東大學
2020.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan), The Modes of Managing Taiwanese Local Rejuvenation ─A Case Study on Yunlin County's Mailiao Township─ , 14th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2020, 臺灣/台北/大同大學
2020.10 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、林佳慧(Lin Chia Hui), The Use of Smart Tools among Senior Groups ─A Case Study of Shangyi Community in Dapi Township, Yunlin County─ , 14th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2020, 臺灣/台北/大同大學
2020.05 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、林佳慧(Lin Chia Hui), 鄉鎮創生之社群參與研究, 以雲林縣褒忠鄉為例 - 2020 Creative Design-The International Conference on Cross-Boundary and Integration, May. 2020, 臺灣/雲林科技大學
2019.12 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、蔡志英(Tsai Zhi-Yung)、高從晏(Kao Tsung-Ye), Research on the Value of Promoting Sustainability of Rural Community Development─A Case Study of SUAN XIANG MA YUAN Development Association in Citong Township, Yunlin County─ , 13th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Dec. 2019, 日本/東京千葉縣/浦安市
2019.11 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、蔡志英, 鄉村創生與設計翻轉要素之研究, 以古坑鄉華南社區為例 - 2019 文化創意與設計創新國際學術研討會, Nov. 2019, 臺灣/雲林縣/環球科技大學
2018.11 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、黃世輝(Shyh-Huei Hwang), Research on Internalization and Design Development of Rural Communities ─A Case Study of Huanan Community in Gukeng Township, Yunlin County , 12th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Nov. 2018, 大陸/福建省/泉州市
2018.06 高從晏、蔡志英、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、粱光堯, 鄉村環境參與設計模式之研究, -以古坑和枝園為例 Participatory Design Model for Rural Environments – A Case Study of HeZhi Yuan At GuKeng - 2018設計創新國際學術研討會, Jun. 2018, 臺灣/雲林縣/環球科技大學
2017.10 黃世輝、張懿心、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), Research on the concept of eco, museum as promoting the Zhaoan Hakka Culture ─A Case Study of Zhaoan Hakka Cultural Region in Yunlin County - 11th international symposium of ASIAN DESIGN CULTRUE SOCIETY, Oct. 2017, 日本/沖繩
2016.05 黃世輝、黃秀梅、蘇秀婷、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), Comparative Analysis on Cultural Creativity with Satoyama Concept in Taiwan and Japan: Taking Kouhu Township and Aso Mountain as Case Studies , 2016 International Conference on Applied System Innovation (ICASI), May. 2016, 日本/沖繩
2014.10 黃世輝(Hwang, Shih-Huei)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), 社區產業發展為社會企業的問題, 以雲林縣兩社區為例 - 2014法鼓人文關懷與社會實踐系列學術研討會-社會企業與創新, Oct. 2014, 臺灣/臺北/國家圖書館
2014.06 黃世輝(Hwang, Shih-Huei)、王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua), Embedded Story of Rural Space Transformation: A, Quan Community - International Conference on Service Science and Innovation, Jun. 2014, 臺灣/臺灣科技大學
2013.01 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、黃世輝(Shyh-Huei Hwang), A Case Study of the Correlation between Rural Governance and Rural Development Frame , Ninth International Conference on Environmental, Cultural,Economic, and Social Sustainability, Jan. 2013, 日本/廣島
Project Title Participator Period
113 年度雲林縣社區營造及村落文化發展計畫 (11233115) (11233115) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、李昀叡(LI YUN-JUI)、楊永雄 2024.06 ~ 2024.05
113 年度詔安客家文化館委託經營管理計畫 (11233079) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan)、楊永雄 2024.05 ~ 2025.04
111年度雲林縣社區營造及村落文化發展計畫-雲林縣社區營造中心 (11033088) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2022.05 ~ 2023.04
110年度雲林縣斗南鎮社區營造輔導計畫 (10933093) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2021.04 ~ 2021.12
彰化縣政府-109年度秀水鄉社區擾動輔導委託服務案 (10933022) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua) 2020.09 ~ 2020.12
雲林縣褒忠鄉109年鄉政發展規劃與諮詢輔導計畫 (10933020) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua)、劉師源(Liu, Shih-Yuan) 2020.09 ~ 2020.12
雲林縣褒忠鄉108年鄉政發展、產業建設諮詢輔導計畫 (108-F016) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua) 2019.10 ~ 2019.12
2017年度雲林農村質地翻轉計畫 (1052D10069) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua) 2016.12 ~ 2017.12
2016年度趣遊雲林山海平原-幸福有感計畫 (1052D10017) 王志華(Wang,Chih-Hua) 2016.06 ~ 2016.12
Award Name Awarding Unit
2021中亞聯大U21人工智慧創意發明競賽(大專組)-第二名 本校
Category Course Code Course Title Year
研究所碩士班 DE200008A 文創空間跨領域應用研究 113
大學日間部 DEU00065A 畢業設計(二) 113
大學日間部 DEU00065B 畢業設計(二) 113
大學日間部 DEU00065C 畢業設計(二) 113
大學日間部 DEU00115A 設計繪畫 113
大學日間部 DEU00115B 設計繪畫 113
大學日間部 DEU00171A 空間活化與再造 113